Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Conners first trip to the dentist

I know I said no more pictures but...
We're watching Sammy get her xrays taken and he instantly starts saying, 'No Mommy, No!' So I pick him up and tell him he doesn't have to have pictures taken today. Then I think, 'what is that smell??' The thought of having xrays has actually scared the poop right out of him. Hmm...I don't think I have a diaper in my bag. I try to convince myself he didn't poop. Sammy's now getting her teeth cleaned. I'm sitting there thinking and smelling that, 'Conner definitely pooped!!' I take him into the bathroom and change his diaper. I have no clean diaper. What to do? I did what any mom would. I take the only absorbent thing I have in my bag, a random sock, and shove it in his pants. I'd feel better if he were a girl and I could know for sure where that stream will go. Then for extra measure I throw in a couple of paper towels. I hope this works. It's now Conner's turn to have his teeth cleaned. He keeps pulling up his shirt and trying to look in his pants. I distract him. 45 very long minutes later we are on our way to the car. All I can think is: phew!!


Brooke said...

That is an awesome story!

Tasha said...

So great Elisa! And I can't believe you've already taken Conner to the dentist. I'm trying to get up the courage to take Evan in this month for the first time. I've been waiting for his "scream like a girl" when he is scared/uncomfortable/angry/hurt/happy fettish to go away. It hasn't yet, but maybe he can control it. Or I feel sorry for that poor dentist. And me!

Nick & Che` said...

HAHA!!! Oh my heck... ;)

Kelly said...

Now that I've stopped laughing....
You are so lucky- that could've been so much messier than it was!!

Melissa said...

That's awesome. I can't stop laughing...

Unknown said...

wow! I sure can't wait to have kids lol!! He is too funny!!!