Monday, April 11, 2011

Father Knows Best

I learned a lesson this week, FATHER KNOWS BEST (well at least this time). The lesson began with Samantha getting strep throat and an ear infection. Strep is easy for me to diagnose since I get it ALL the time. The pediatrician confirmed and wrote out an RX. Matt wanted the doc to check Cam's ears... I said he is fine, he was sick before but no runny nose now so he MUST be no ear checking

The next 2 nights Conner woke up screaming Matt insist he has an ear infection I insist he is fever, no runny nose=no ear infection

Matt calls their doc anyway and she comes in on her day off, in a snow storm, just to see my 2 happy smiling boys.

I am so embarassed by this inconvience that I wait in the van while Matt takes them in

40 minutes later...

Conner--double ear infection with blisters

Camden--left ear infection

Mom--feeling really dumb

Dad--nice enough not to gloat

and of course I also ended up with strep

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Matt is a better person than me because I would've been saying a big fat "I told you so!!"